


Álvar Rubio Comino


Born in Zaragoza where he brilliantly studied piano with Mª Pilar Armijo and Ignacio Marín at the Conservatory of his hometown.

He was awarded ten honors and three extraordinary prizes.

He continued his studies at L'Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris in the class of pianist Ramzi Yassa and in 1996 he was admitted to the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in the class of Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, a student of Maestro Eduardo del Pueyo, coming into contact with the pedagogy of this brilliant pianist from Aragon, who lived in Belgium. There he obtained a First Prize in Piano, First Prize in Solfeggio, First Prize in Chamber Music, First Prize in History of Music and the Superior Diploma in Piano. He also studied at the Eduardo del Pueyo Music Center with his teacher Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden.

He received scholarships from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Aragon, the University of Almeria and the Manuel de Falla International Courses.

Back in Spain, he studied piano postgraduate at the Conservatorio del Liceo with Stanislav Potchekin, began studies in conducting with Juan José Olives, founded the Orquestra de Cambra de la Vall d'en Bas and conducted the Vall d'en Bas Summer Festival (Gerona) and presided over the Juventudes Musicales de Zaragoza on its 50th anniversary, organizing a series of concerts for the centenary of the birth of Maestro Eduardo del Pueyo.

Throughout his career he received advice and teachings from great pianists and pedagogues as diverse as Oxana Yablonskaya, Alicia de Larrocha, Lazar Berman, Lev Naumov, Gery Mouttier, Brigitte Engerer, Dimitri Bashkirov, Levente Kende, Solomon Mikowsky, Vadim Sakharov, Eugenia Braginsky, Almudena Cano, Dominique Merlet and José Luis González Uriol among others.

Heir of the musical legacy of our eminent pianist Pilar Bayona through the pedagogy of his beloved teacher Mrs. María Pilar Armijo and the long and affectionate conversations at the end of his life with Mrs. Trinidad Castillo.

Always interested in the pedagogy of del Pueyo, he attended courses, classes and seminars of relevant students of his who have continued to lavish their teachings such as Teresa Escudero, Patricia Montero, J. José Pérez Torrecillas, André de Groote, Burkard Spinnler, Claudine Orloff and Evelyne Brancart.

In 2015 he is invited by several musical institutions in Belgium to give concerts and masterclasses dedicated to Jaëllienne teaching from the perspective and uses of Eduardo del Pueyo.

He is also invited by the great Russian teacher and pianist Oxana Yablonskaya to the Cerdanya Music Festival Music.

Jury of the International Piano Competition of Puigcerdà and Member of Honor of the International Piano Competition of Andorra.

He has made recordings for RTVE, CATMÚSICA, Radio Tarazona and Olot TV. He has recorded numerous CD's for the Asociación Musical Eduardo del Pueyo and for the Auditorio de Música de Cuenca with works by contemporary composers.

Assistant to Professor Evelyne Brancart in the Summer Courses Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music, Bloomington, Indiana (USA) as well as guest professor at the Scharbeek Academy in Brussels (Belgium), Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg (Germany), Hochschule für Musik in Munich (Germany), Mozarteum Universität, Salzburg (Austria) and the City University of New York, CUNY, New York (USA) where he teaches Master Classes and concerts.

An accomplished concert pianist, he performs in recital, chamber music and as a soloist with orchestra in Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and the USA. USA: School for Young pianists City of Lucena (Córdoba), National Auditorium, Salle Cortot of Paris, Auditorium of Zaragoza, Auditorium of Cuenca, Pablo Casals International Music Festival (Prades), Atelier Marcel Hastir, Museum of History of Barcelona, Auditori Viader (Gerona), Centre Yamaha of Paris, Argentina Foundation (Paris), Auditorio del Conde Duque Madrid, Festival Internacional de Música de Tours, Auditorio Manuel de Falla, Festival de Musique Clasique de Villers-la-Ville (Belgium), Grande Salle del Conservatoire de Bruxelles, Festival Presence de l'Art Paris, Festival International de Musique d'Osnabrück, Casal del Metge Barcelona, Summer Festival Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, International Music Festival of Gstaad, Concert Hall of the Conservatory of Namur, Auditorium Maene of Brussels.

Founder and member of the Piano Trio Eduardo del Pueyo together with violinist Ruth Olmedilla and cellist Miriam Olmedilla, dedicated to the discovery and expansion of the Spanish repertoire.

Dedicator and premiere of works by composers Juan Manuel Montañés, Pedro Pablo Morante, Manuel Murgui, Anna Cazurra and Raquel Mínguez.

He combines his intense concert activity with his other passion: the teaching-learning process. His students have been awarded in numerous Piano Competitions such as Ciudad de Albacete, San Sebastián, Almuñécar, Xàtiva, Jacinto Guerrero, Eduardo del Pueyo etc..Since 2004 he is Professor, working at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón and at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Tarazona where he was Head of the Piano Department for seven years. Since 2016 Piano Professor at the Conservatorio Superior de Música “Óscar Esplá” in Alicante and Conservatorio Superior de Música “Salvador Seguí” in Castellón de la Plana.

Artistic Director of the Eduardo del Pueyo International Courses in Tarazona and promoter of the Classical Cycle organized by the Provincial Council of Zaragoza in the Monastery of Veruela where he shared the stage with artists of the stature of cellist and conductor Dimitry Yablonsky and violinist Janna Gandelman.




Contact Information

Erica del Hospicio 1, 9°B  – 30530 Cieza (Murcia) España

Artistic Director: Caridad Galindo

(0032) 497 270 907 (also WhatsApp, FaceTime and Viber)